With the dawn of social networking comes greater brand awareness and customer service contact. No longer do we need to begrudgingly put pen to paper and hastily post to some unidentifiable P.O. box number nor do we wait patiently on the phone whilst Cliff sings 'Wired for Sound' or worst still 'Power to the People'.
Log on to Facebook and you're sure to find your intended modern-day oracle.
One such case occurred for me last week. On our chill-out Monday at home, me and daughter like to bake. Sweet or savoury - as long as my little girl gets to stand at her step in the kitchen and throw, sorry make that sprinkle, a topping or two she's happy.
Upon realising we were eggless off we went to our new sparkly supermarket to grab some eggs and other baking goodies - I always find it oddly pleasurable eyeing up all the pretty bottles and jars of sprinkles and the like. Anyway, Autumn grabbed a box of ready-made cake mix and as time was pushing on I thought what the heck, let's do it. She picked Green's Barbie Vanilla Cupcake Kit; it was clearly the most appealing packaging to a little girl and to this bigger girl as not only do you get the mix but also stickers and activity book. Great to while away the minutes waiting for the oven to do its thing.
Does what it says on the box |
Cut to a few days ago, and what with my love of feedback, as mentioned at the start of this, I found Green's on Facebook (harder than you think). Wrote a little message saying how impressed I was and attached a photo. I didn't expect anything back but just wanted to express my appreciation. The very next day I had a friendly reply and was instructed to email their marketing department as they would like to send me a goodie bag for Autumn.
Frenzied unwrapping ensued |
Two days later I receive a large parcel. A full size Barbie doll, post-it notes and cookie cutters. I guess the doll isn't for me. Autumn was beside herself; a new doll with lots of accessories, and safe in the knowledge that Mummy will be hot-footing it back to the supermarket to buy more from Green's selection of home-baking. Click here to go to Green's website.
"Oh, I can't wait until you're older so we can bake together" Barbie might have said |
So remember this, "IF IT'S GOOD, TELL THEM." (You can use that, it's mine).
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